The Croatian Sports & Community Centre of Hamilton recognizes that tobacco industry products have no place in or alongside the healthy, safe activities that sports and recreation programs provide. The Board of Directors recognizes that there is ample research demonstrating the health hazards of the use of tobacco products, including smoking and the breathing of second hand smoke. Tobacco-free sports and recreation programs create safe and healthy environments for our youth by:
- Preventing youth from starting to use tobacco industry products
- Giving everyone a chance to perform at their best
- Protecting people from second-hand smoke
- Helping people trying to quit the use of tobacco industry products
Tobacco-free sports and recreation means that everyone taking part in an organized sport or recreational activity refrains from using all forms of tobacco industry products including cigarettes, chew, and other smokeless tobacco. It is a global movement endorsed by leading organizations including the International Football Association (FIFA).
Scope of Policy:
The Croatian Sports & Community Centre of Hamilton recognizes that we have a responsibility to members, their families, staff and all visitors to provide a safe and healthy environment. Exposure to second hand smoke is just as harmful. This policy applies to every person entering the park; including staff, officials, players, coaches, volunteers and all other visitors from other clubs. It applies to all properties as follows:
- Playing fields
- Toilets and changing rooms
- Club offices
- Bocce Court facilities
- Outdoor walkways used by people to access and exit the venue properties
Office Staff, Coaching staff, board members and volunteers will enforce the policy. Any person smoking will politely be asked to stop and be reminded about the tobacco-free policy. If the offence continues, a second verbal warning will be issued. If this warning is ignored, disciplinary action will be taken and the individual will be asked to leave the premises.
The Croatian Sports & Community Centre will not advertise, promote or allow the sale of tobacco products in any form on its premises or at sporting events under its control. The policy will be reviewed at least once every twelve months. The policy can be altered by the Executive at any time. The change and the reason for the change will need to be recorded in minutes, be beneficial and comply with the smoke free policies regulated by the Government of Ontario.