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Croatia Hamilton Veterani
The veteran's team is for players that are above the age of 35 (in 2017, birth year is 1982).

In Hamilton there are four Over-35 Divisions and Croatia plays in the top tier. The team earned promotion in 2017 after finishing the 2016 regular season and Challenge Cup with a combined undefeated record of 21-0-0.

The old-timer's future (is that an oxymoron?) is looking good.

2017 Sponsors
At the present time this team does not have any sponsors. If you would like to support this team please contact info@hamiltoncroatia.com.
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2017 Links
Note: Standings and schedule will open in new browser window or tab.

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2017 Roster
{dsLastName::last_name}, {dsLastName::first_name}

2018 Sponsors
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