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Croatia Hamilton Under-12 Boys - Blue
This team was put together in 2012. Despite the fact that there was no division or league available for kids in that age-group that year, the team practiced together on Hamilton Croatia's House League nights preparing them for future seasons.

They won the 2013 U9 HNNS Croatian Tournament Championship in Norval and were finalists as U10s in 2014 in Hamilton.

2015 Sponsors
Fabtech Manufacturing Inc. — The custom steel fabricators with quality workmanship and service excellence | 905-309-5100 | 209 Roberts Road, Grimsby, ON., L3M 4E8
Seven Star Express Line — Providing you with professional shipping services to fulfill your freight transportation needs. If you're haulin', call Steve Jurcic and make the right choice for a quality freight shipping company | 905-578-7700 | 36 Covington Street, Hamilton, ON., L8E 2Y5
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2016 Staff
Head Coach
Mayich, John Email
Assistant Coach
Cvitak, Josip
Adzijevich, Liz Email
2015 Roster
Adzijevich, Aaron
Brunetti, Matteo
Buch, Gavyn
Cino, Daniel
Cvitak, Evan
Ellis, Blake
Frankovich, Daniel
Hodjaj, Eugen
Horvat, Michael
Klakulak, Jacob
Mayich, Matthew
Pugliese, Antonino
Pulic, Nikola
Xhekaj, Florian

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2016 Links
Note: Schedule will open in new browser window or tab.
2018 Sponsors
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