This team began playing together in 2011. Despite the fact that there was no division or league available for Under-8's that year, the team practiced together on Hamilton Croatia's House League nights and played in sanctioned tournaments.
That helped prepared them for a great first four seasons, and now they're working on getting even better for 2016!
This team won the U11 Boys Division at the 2014 HNNS Tournament in Hamilton. They also compete in the HDMJCL and the HDMJCL Cup.
2015 Sponsors
Fabtech Manufacturing Inc. The custom steel fabricators with quality workmanship and service excellence | 905-309-5100 | 209 Roberts Road, Grimsby, ON., L3M 4E8
CarStar The nation's largest network of high-quality collision repair centres, with over 100 locations in Canada | 1.800.CARSTAR for 24-7 accident assistance |
Southbrook Golf & Country Club One of Southern Ontario’s best-kept secrets, experience the mature tree lines and the friendly challenging layout of the lush, 18 hole championship course | 905-692-3592 | 4349 Hwy 56 South Binbrook, ON., L0R 1C0 |
Canadian-Croatian Hunting and Angling Club, Hamilton Hamilton's last line of defence between you and potential food!