Where did Hamilton Croatia Movement Come from?
Hi everyone, Ashley Bucar here! I just wanted to tell you a bit about Hamilton Croatia Movement. It originally snowballed off from the Hamilton Croatia Cycling club. I didn’t have a bike, but wanted to participate in some sort of activity that could get me active. My friend Steph Domjancic was part of a running club, but the times and dates were inconvenient for me and I hated going alone. This got me thinking… “why don’t I start a club of my own! One that you don’t need equipment, you don’t need to be in perfect shape, but you want to get moving.” So, Hamilton Croatia Movement was born.
Steph and I got together and began to discuss starting a club. When deciding on meeting dates, we knew that we needed at least 2 dates to start with. We thought one day during the week, Thursdays, along the beach strip would be a nice safe spot where people from Burlington area can meet as well as our Hamilton / Stoney Creek area. Movement members can decide whether they want to bring their babies in their joggers, rollerblade, walk, or run along the strip.
We knew that we should also do one day at the club. Saturday mornings with the cycling club sounded like a great idea as we thought we could start a bit later than the cycling team, but finish around 9am. After our Movement members and the cycling team were finished, we could have a nice yoga stretch for those who would like. We also thought that one day a month we could do a Zumba night!
We knew yoga and Zumba teachers would need some payment, so we thought that shirt sales would be better than a club fee for this first year. We also plan to enter into some races for Movement members, so they can work towards a goal! If we were going to have a shirt, we definitely needed a logo! I was talking with my friend at work about Hamilton Croatia Movement and she said her brother does some graphic design and could help out. A big shout out and thanks to Gabriel Garofalo for helping design the logo and creating our first poster!
With these ideas in place, I contacted Mark Vuksan, president of Hamilton Croatia, to run everything by him. Thankfully, he approved!
This is where we are at! We hope to add more dates into our schedule in the future and have some fun events for friends and families! Please send us an inbox message if you have any ideas or suggestions, or help out in any way! This group is meant to be a fun way to get involved and active in the community.
PS. If you have an idea that you think could benefit the community, then do it! You never know what it can lead to!
For more information including club meeting times and dates, follow the club on their facebook page