About Us
Welcome to hamiltoncroatia.com, online since 2004. The Croatian Sports and Community Centre of Hamilton, Inc. - "Hamilton Croatia" for short - was established in 1957 to promote sports and other forms of Croatian culture for the benefit of the Croatian community in Southern Ontario, across Canada, and beyond. Our not-for-profit organization is run by volunteers and has over 60 years of rich history.
Hrvatski sportski i društveni centar - ukratko "Croatia Hamilton" - je osnovana u svrhu promoviranja sport i druge oblike hrvatske kulture u korist hrvatske zajednice u južnoj Ontariji, preko Kanade, i šire. Naša organizacija vode volonteri i ima više od 60 godina bogate povijesti.

Facility Rentals
We want our multi-use facility to be the home of your next function! With our banquet hall, restaurant, meeting rooms, picnic area, fields, and courts, our versatility provides us the ability to host all types of events.
Allow us to host your wedding, shower, baptism, stag party, birthday, anniversary, or corporate event! Oh, and if you need a place for two major heads of state to pop in at the same time, we can do that too!

The original Hamilton Croatia men's soccer team was established in 1957 and for decades it was the backbone of our organization. Well we have come a long way since then!
Over 1100 athletes compete annually in our soccer, bocce, and bowling leagues, the annual golf and ball hockey tournaments, as well as our rep soccer, ice hockey, and cycling teams.
In 2019 we upgraded our facility by installing a state of the art turf playing surface and lighting system which allows our teams and leagues to function longer and train more often, taking our programs to new heights!

Open since August 2014, it was inspired by the desire to recreate - not duplicate - the original Club which for over 30 years was our home located at 200 Kenilworth Avenue in Hamilton's centre.
Available for catered private parties on weekends and open the public during the week, it is a great meeting place with simple pub fare for patrons to enjoy sporting events, view the photo and memorabilia collection, and create lasting memories.