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about our men's soccer team


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Croatian Indoor Soccer League

In late 2004 conversations among Club members relating to the amount of current and former Croatian soccer players and teams in the Hamilton area arose. That discussion generated more thoughts which eventually led to the organiztion of a fall-to-spring indoor soccer league.

The association was named the Croatian Indoor Soccer League of Hamilton, known as the CISL. After months of preparation, on Friday, October 28, 2005 the inaugural season of the eight-team league kicked off with NK Majstori defeating eventual playoff champions Tvrdi Kamen 9-5.

A banner exchanging ceremony prior to the 2007 Brandy Bowl between Kontra and Holivud Hrvat (Click to enlarge).CISL rules attempt to illustrate that the league is here to promote our Croatian heritage through gamesmanship, and to instill the concept into every player that CISL soccer serves a purpose far greater than deciding a winner and a loser.

The league started with eight teams in 2005, and grew to over 150 players registered on ten different teams in 2006. In 2007, the expansion to twelve teams required that the CISL had to change venues as the original location could no longer accommodate a league of our size.

Enjoying a few after a 'tough' night of soccer (Click to enlarge).The Playoff Championship trophy — the Živko Cup — was named after long-time Club bartender and retired Dofasco steelworker Živko Jurić.

Post-game socializing has become as big a part of the night as the actual soccer has. Countless stories have been shared, meals devoured, beverages consumed, and arguments gone unsolved as guys from different teams all spend time together as part of one great society.


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