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about our men's soccer team


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A Brief History

To write the history of an organization that has been in existence since 1957 is not an easy task. Due to a shortage of actual written material, looking back on so many decades will definitely result in omitting many names, memories, and achievements.

Club members at the 1965 banquet (Click to enlarge).

All of the work that was put into the Club was done on a voluntary and amateur basis. Since the beginning there have been many different administrations. As these would change much of the written material would go with them, thus resulting in a lack of documentation.

Yet it cannot be neglected that a lot of individual and collective effort supported the preservation of Croatia Hamilton as an organization. The very thought of the Club was born in Hamilton, where extreme efforts united Croatian inhabitants into one organization for the soul purpose of promoting the glory of its homeland. The original founders included Karlo Čerić, Tomislav Ivezić, Tomo Leingartner, and Pavle Usenica.

It is speculated that the idea of our Club occurred around 1954, but our citations state that it became reality in 1957.

“THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Croatian National Sports Club has been an organization in active existence since 1957.”

SIGNED Karlo Čerić, President, Croatian National Sports Club
DATED at Hamilton this 20th day of September, A.D., 1973.

And certified:

“GIVEN under my hand and seal of office at the City of Toronto in the said Province of Ontario this twenty-fifth day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three.”

— John T. Clement, Toronto, Canada

Croatia Hamilton was established to promote soccer; an interest in athletic games; recreation; sports; to provide a clubhouse and other conveniences for the use, enjoyment, and relaxation of its members; and to arrange competitions of every nature while granting awards and distinctions.

The Club was also developed to promote Croatian dance, music, literature and all other forms of Croatian culture for the benefit of its members, their families, and people of the Croatian community in Hamilton.


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